Joseph G. Cruz
selected work
"The Death of God left the Angels in a strange place." or "Across the Sky, came a Screaming"
not a fact, still extremely real
If one looks down at the Earth from the Moon, there is no virtual distance, between the Louvre and the Zoo.
Assembling Vestiges
sculpture / installations
“If one looks down at the earth from the moon, there is no virtual distance between the Louvre and the Zoo.”
"translation #1"
"1:30 am, July 20th 1969" (1:1 ratio)"
"If __ comes from children, listening to muffled conversations, behind closed doors"
more sculpture / installations
Collaborative projects and exhibitions
Excavating History collective at the International Museum of Surgical Science "Body of work"
Ordinal of Alchemy
Intergalactic HipHop Disco Jam
"Across the Sky, Came a Screaming" text
Joseph G. Cruz
selected work
"The Death of God left the Angels in a strange place." or "Across the Sky, came a Screaming"
not a fact, still extremely real
If one looks down at the Earth from the Moon, there is no virtual distance, between the Louvre and the Zoo.
Assembling Vestiges
sculpture / installations
“If one looks down at the earth from the moon, there is no virtual distance between the Louvre and the Zoo.”
"translation #1"
"1:30 am, July 20th 1969" (1:1 ratio)"
"If __ comes from children, listening to muffled conversations, behind closed doors"
more sculpture / installations
Collaborative projects and exhibitions
Excavating History collective at the International Museum of Surgical Science "Body of work"
Ordinal of Alchemy
Intergalactic HipHop Disco Jam
"Across the Sky, Came a Screaming" text
sculpture / installations
"1:30 am, July 20th 1969" (1:1 ratio)"
July 20th 1969 was the night of the 1st moon landing.
"1:30 am, July 20th, 1969 (1:1 ratio)
microsopic illustration of stars, microscope, wood, acrylic
28' x 16' x 16'
"1:30 am. July 20th 1969 (1:1 ratio)" (detail)
microsopic illustration of stars, microscope, wood, acrylic and A 1:1 ratio of perception of night sky, minus historical presence of awe and pride.A 1:1 ratio of perception of night sky, minus historical presence of awe and pride.
28' x 16' x 16'